College Students from Mumbai Reveal Their Most Expensive Purchase With Their Hard-Earned Money
From buying books for their home library to Nike Jordans, they share all over a fun chat.
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- NuCash
- 03 min read

As college students, managing finances can often be a challenge, and according to our recent survey of over 300+ students across India, over 77% of students report facing occasional to frequent financial constraints. However, despite these challenges, college students and Gen Zs in general, are finding creative ways to earn extra income through part-time jobs, internships, and freelancing gigs.

For this blog post, we spoke to some students from HR College Mumbai to get a first-hand insight into their earning and spending styles. We asked each student what was the most expensive item they have purchased with their own earnings. From buying books to build their home library collection to Nike Jordans, these young students sure have an eclectic taste! Read below to find out!

Pratyasha Das, 21

“I love reading books, so I bought an entire bookshelf along with a bunch of my favorite books. Almost all sets of harry potter, and few economics book. I want to have my own mini library in my house.” – Pratyasha

Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

Sneha Issrani, 20

“The most expensive thing I’ve bought with my own money is my boAt smart watch. I paid for it from my savings” – Sneha Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

Tanmay Jhaveri,18

“The first time I earned money was back in 2020 when I used to take tuitions. From that money I bought a smart phone for myself, which was around Rs. 18k. The joy of gifting something to yourself is something else.” - Tanmay Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

Sanjana Menon, 18

“I’ve always wanted to be self-sufficient and financially independent. This led me to take up a paid internship last year. With the stipend money I had saved over time, I managed to buy myself a dainty gold ring.” - Sanjana Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

Aneesh Lalchandani,19

“I never used to buy myself anything expensive before, but when I received my first stipend, I bought myself a pair of Jordan shoes. It was something that I wanted for a long time.” - Aneesh Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

Nidhi Jain,21

“Shoes. I got two pair of Nike shoes each for 7-8k last week. That's the most expensive thing I have ever got from my own money.” – Nidhi Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

Kanika Tuteja,18

“I haven’t really started earning as such, but I think the most expensive thing I would probably buy would be a gift for my sister from my own money” - Kanika Nucash-HR college students-most expensive buys

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